
Some new points of the Law providing amendments and supplements to some articles of the Law on Construction

In order to overcome problems and shortcomings in regulations of the Law on Construction 2014, on June 17, 2020, the Law providing amendments and supplements to some articles of the Law on Construction (Construction Law 2020 (amended)) was passed by the National Assembly with many new regulations. NHQuang has analyzed some of the main regulations of the statute relating to the reform and simplification of administrative procedures regarding construction permits. The writing includes 04 (four) main parts:

(i) Additional objects exempted from construction permits;
(ii) Shortened time limit for granting construction permits;
(iii) Amendment of conditions for construction work commencement;
(iv) Effectiveness of Construction Law 2020 (amended).

Some new points of the Law providing amendments and supplements to some articles of the Law on Construction
Some new points of the Law providing amendments and supplements to some articles of the Law on Construction
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